Cashback calculator

You’re eligible to receive cashback for participating in auctions and exclusive offers. The invested amount over which the cashback is calculated depends on the number of NOTES you hold. 1 NOTES unlocks 1 euro, which means that if you have 500 NOTES and invest  €1000 euros in an auction, you’re eligible to receive cashback on €500 of your invested amount once your orders are executed. 1 NOTE = € 1.

Holding minimum 1 NOTES, then you’re eligible to receive 6% cashback on €1 invested and 2% for the investment above the first €100. 

new blueHolding a minimum 500 NOTES, you receive 6% cashback on the first €200 invested and 2.5% for the investment above the first €200. 

new goldHolding a minimum of 2,500 NOTES, you receive 6% cashback on the first €300 invested and 3% for the investment above €300 up to the amount of NOTES held.

new platinumLet’s see it in an example: Let’s say you have 500 NOTES and you invest €1,000. The amount of euros eligible for the cashback is €500 (because you own 500 NOTES) so you’ll receive 6% on the first €200 =  €12 and 2,5% for the other €300 = €7,5. Your potential cashback would be €19,5.

Now if you have 500 NOTES and invest €400, keeping in mind 1 NOTES = €1, the full amount of €400 is eligible for the cashback. You’ll receive 6% on the first €200 = €12 and 2,5% for the other €200 = €5. Total cashback would be €17

To help you save time from doing all these calculations, we’ve created a cashback calculator that you can find directly on your Backstage pass dashboard, if you already activated it. 


If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the cashback calculation feel free to reach out to our team at

How to use the Cashback calculator

The cashback calculator is only visible if you already activated your Backstage Pass. 

  • Go to your Backstage Pass page > See calculation

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  • On “Amount of NOTES” Insert the amount of NOTES that you own.
  • On “If you invest” insert the amount in euros that you wish to invest.

The result will show, based on your tier,  how much cashback you could potentially receive.

To learn more about how the Backstage pass works visit our Backstage pass section on the Support Centre here: or contact our team: