Cancelling a bid within the last 36 hours of auction.

When participating in an auction on the primary market, there is no limit to the number of bids you can place as long as they start at the minimum price per share. 

If your bid is currently winning and the auction is within the last 36 hours before closing, you may notice that you cannot cancel the bid. This measure is taken to protect all investors interested in participating in the auction.

You can always outbid yourself or place a bid at a lower price. If your bid is not currently winning, you are still able to modify it by cancelling or outbidding in order to place a winning order and potentially own one of the shares up for auction.

Along with this new measure, you will also receive notifications whenever your bid(s) is out of range, allowing you the opportunity to place a higher bid and participate in the auction. 

If you still have questions about the auctions on the platform, please contact us at directly.